Анджелико Ф.
Fra Angelico
Фра Анджелико (ангельский брат) (Фра Джованни да Фьезоле, прозван Беато Анджелико) (~1400 - 1455)
Fra Angelico (Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, called Fra Beato Angelico), a patron of artists.
His real name was Guido, or Guidolino, di Pietro.
Fra Angelico was an Italian painter of the early Renaissance who combined the life of a devout friar with that of an accomplished painter. He was called Angelico (Italian for “angelic”) and Beato (Italian for “blessed”) because the paintings he did were of calm, religious subjects and because of his extraordinary personal piety.
В ~1420 принял обет послушания в доминиканском ордене. He entered a Dominican convent in Fiesole in 1418 and about 1425 became a friar using the name Giovanni da Fiesole. He apparently began his career as an illuminator of missals and other religious books, he began to paint altarpieces and other panels.
In 1436 the Dominicans of Fiesole moved to the convent of San Marco in Florence, which had recently been rebuilt by Michelozzo.
Fra Angelico is best known for his paintings in the monastery of San Marco in Florence.
In 1445 Angelico was summoned to Rome by Pope Eugenius IV to paint frescoes for the now destroyed chapel of the Sacrament in the Vatican.
В 1446...47 Анджелико оставался в Риме (в летние месяцы он работал также в соборе в Орвьето).
At Rome, besides his great paintings in the chapels of the Vatican, he executed some beautiful miniatures for choral books.
Eugenius IV asked him to go to Orvieto to work in the chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio in the cathedral.
В 1450 Фра Анджелико возвратился во Флоренцию и стал настоятелем монастыря Сан Доменико во Фьезоле.
From 1449 to 1452 Angelico was prior of his convent in Fiesole.

Умер и погребён в Риме в церкви Санта Мария сопра Минерва.

He died and tombed in Rome in Santa Maria sopra Minerva.
Художник открыток. »
Гоццоли Б.
Benozzo Gozzoli

Джакомо д'Антонио да Поли

Джованни д'Антонио делла Чекка ди Муджелло

Карло ди Сер Ладзаро да Парни

Пьетро Джакомо да Форли

postal card »
Бегство в Египет
Flight to Egypt Благовещение
Annunciation БР и Младенец {4420}
Virgin and Child

БР и Младенец на троне

Virgin and Child enthroned БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints БР и Младенец на троне со святыми
Virgin and Child enthroned with saints БР и Младенец с ангелами {1368}
Virgin and Child with angels

(БР и Младенец с ангелами {5090}

Virgin and Child with angels)

БР и Младенец со святыми

Virgin and Child with saints Введение во храм
Presentation of Virgin in the temple Вознесение {3262}

Вознесение БР

Житие БР
Life of the Virgin Заступница доминиканского ордена {5716}
Virgin the Defender of St Dominic order

Коронование Богородицы

Coronation of the Virgin
Madonna of the Star
Madonna of the Linen Weavers
Madonna with angels Муж Скорбей с предстоящими
Man of Sorrow with attendants Обрезание Христа
Circumcision of Christ Обручение Марии
Betrothal Оплакивание
Lamentation Осмеяние Христа {5088}
The ridicule of Christ

Отрок Христос среди учителей иудейских

Disputation with the Doctors Поклонение волхвов
Adoration of the magi Положение во гроб
Entombment Посещение Елизаветы Марией
Visitation Преображение {2164}

Распятие с предстоящими

Crucifixion with attendants Рождество
Nativity Рождество Марии
Birth of Maria Свадьба в Кане
The marriage feast in Cana Снятие со креста
Deposition Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов (и БР?)
Pentecost Сретение
Candlemas Страшный суд
The Last Judgement Троица Мазаччо {1474}
Mazacco's Trinity


Dormition Христос-судия с предстоящими {5091}
Christ the Judge with attendants
вид иконы:
праздники {2768}


Есть ли БР?
Santa Trinita Altarpiece


Last Judgment Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven триптих
by workshop
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz