Балдовинетти А.
Alessio Baldovinetti
Алессио Балдовинетти (1425 - 99).
Alessio (Alesso) Baldovinetti, Italian Early Renaissance painter.
This Florentine painter trained mainly with Domenico Veneziano, Beato Angelico and Andrea del Castagno, with whom he also worked on the Santissima Annunziata church.
He later frescoed the Maggiore Chapel, in Sant'Egidio Church, and completed many paintings, including the "Virgin and Child" at the Louvre, the "Trinity" at the Accademia in Florence, and the "Virgin and Child with Saints" and the "Annunciation" both at the Uffizi.
In this last painting his ability in the use of perspective can be seen, especially in the branch (partly hidden behind the column in the foreground) the angel is proffering to Maria, and in the fence at the back, through which the trees in the distance can just be seen.
(БР и Младенец на троне {2622}
Virgin and Child enthroned)

БР и Младенец со святыми {4197}

Virgin and Child with saints

БР, поклоняющаяся Младенцу {4196}

Virgin adoring the Child
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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