Бартоломео Ф.
Fra Bartolommeo
Фра Бартоломео (1472 - 1517).
Fra Bartolomeo (Baccio della Porta) (Bartolomeo di Paolo del Fattorino), was a refined Tuscan painter and collaborator of Mariotto Albertinelli, with whom he set up a workshop. He also worked in St Mark's convent, where the valuable frescos by Beato Angelico are to be found. His style of painting showed the influence of Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael, especially in the way he tried to give his pictures an intense inward looking quality. In the small panel {2463} the mystical aura is clearly visible in the concentration on the faces of the people waiting for the important future events.
Other works worth remembering by Fra Bartolomeo include
"St Mark"
"Saviour among the evangelists"
as well as the frescos in St Mark's convent, with scenes of the "Final Judgement".
Annunciation БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints БР и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем {1611}
Virgin and Child with yong St John the Baptist

БР на троне с архангелом Гавриилом и святыми {2449}

Virgin enthroned with archangels Gabriel and saints


Circumcision Обручение св. Екатерины
The mystic marriage of St Catherine Оплакивание Христа {2468}
Lamentation over Christ


Adoration Св. Семейство
The Holy Family Страшный суд {6587}
Last judgement

Явление Богородицы св. Бернарду {2465}

Vision of St Bernard
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz