Бронзино А.
Agnolo Bronzino
Аньоло Бронзино (1503 - 72)
Agnolo Bronzino (Agnolo di Cosimo), Italian painter.
He was trained with Pontormo, whose Mannerist style he took on, lengthening and sometimes rounding off the shapes to give a harmonious effect to the composition, using also the chiaroscuro technique for the same purpose.
As court painter to the Medici in Florence, he produced large numbers of portraits as well as religious pictures.
Bronzino did sketches for tapestries and frescos, including the "Biblical Scenes" at the Palazzo Vecchio.
The main recurrent aspect of the work of this artist is the soft light which illuminates his figures, especially lighting up their faces and figures, which seem modelled like staues or precious stones.
Поклонение пастухов {2842}
Adoration of the shepherds

Снятие со креста

Deposition of Christ
Св. Родня {2845}
Holy Kinship

Св. Семейство

The Holy Family
К его богородичным работам относится также:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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