Калло Ж.
Jacques Callot
БР у колонны {6196}
Virgin at the column

БР и Младенец со свв. Яковом и Иеронимом {6198}

Virgin and Child with SS James and Jerome

Boniface VIII with SS Francis and Crispin adoring the Virgin and Child

Вознесение БР {6277}
Ascension of the Virgin

Adoration of the Virgin and Child Распятие с предстоящими {6197}
Crucifixion with attendants
К его богородичным произведениям относятся также:
Attributes of the Virgin Virgin Waiting for the Virgin to give Birth; St Nemesius; St Philogonius; St Thomas Edmund, King of England, Martyr; Presentation of the Virgin; St Columban; St Cecil Введение во храм Madonna of the Rosary; Virgin and Child appearing in a cloud; Triumphant Virgin; Reu St Nicholas; St Dionisia and Son; St Agatha; Conception of the Virgin Обручение Марии St Agnes; The Marriage of the Virgin; St Ildefonsus; St Timothy St Mederic, Abbot; Beheading of John the Baptist; St Fiacre; Festival of the Virgin Burial of the Virgin St Simeon Salus; Visitation; Deposition of the Virgin's clothes; St Hiacintus Birth of Maria St Eleutherius, Abbot; St Regina; St John; Birth of Maria St Ignatius; Purification of the Virgin; St Blaise; St Isidore Virgin presents Jesus at the temple Успение Title Page for "The Life of the Virgin in Emblems" Triumph of the Virgin Frontispiece for "The Life of the Virgin"
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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