Караваджо (1573 - 1610)
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio), Italian painter.
His use of models from the lower classes of society in his early secular works and later religious compositions appealed to the Counter Reformation taste for realism, simplicity, and piety in art.
Caravaggio's mature manner commenced about 1600 with the commission to decorate the Contarelli chapel in San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome with three scenes of the life of St Matthew.
About 1601, Caravaggio received his second major commission, from Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome for a Conversion of St Paul and Crucifixion of St Peter.
Caravaggio painted church paintings during his last period in Naples.
Он написал БР с утопленницей, обнажённой путаной, за что пострадал, был отлучён от церкви.
Благовещение {2855}

БР и Младенец со святыми

Virgin and Child with saints Мадонна ...
Madonna ... Отдых на пути в Египет {2504}
Rest on the flight to Egypt

Поклонение пастухов {2856}

Adoration of the shepherds

Положение во гроб {1372}


Рождество, со свв. Франциском и Лоренсом {2509}

Nativity with SS Francis and Lawrence

Св. Семейство с ангелом {2504}

Holy Family with angel

Семь действий милосердия {1985}

Seven acts of mercy

Успение {2505}

Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz