Карпаччио В.
Vittore Carpaccio
Витторе Карпаччио (~1455 - 1526)
Vittore Carpaccio, an Italian painter.
He executed four cycles of narrative paintings, of which only the first two are notable.
The first was The Legend of St Ursula (nine large paintings, 1490...95, Venice: Academy of Fine Arts), considered his finest work.
The second cycle consists of nine scenes that are mainly from the lives of SS George and Jerome (1502...07, Venice: Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavone).

Carpaccio was one of the most able painters of the early Renaissance in Venice. His drawing is sometimes faulty; his use of color, however, is clear and harmonious, and he handles light and atmosphere with masterly effect.

The quality of Carpaccio's use of colour and his power of expression and invention decreased in his last religious paintings, for the most part executed by his assistants. But in at least two of his late works, where the subject matter stimulated his imagination, Carpaccio returned to the creative levels of his earlier periods.

Бегство в Египет {2857}
The Flight into Egypt

БР и Младенец {6307}

Virgin and Child

БР читающая {6201}

Virgin reading

Св. Фома в славе между свв. Марком и Людовиком Тулузским {1984}

St Thomas in glory between SS Mark and Louis of Toulouse

Сретение {2858}

Presentation of Jesus in the temple
К его богородичным работам относится также:
БР и Младенец с ангелами
Virgin and Child with angels Оплакивание Рождество Марии
Holy Conversation Holy Family with two donors
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz