Карраччи, Аннибале
Annibale Carracci
Аннибале Карраччи (1560 - 1609), брат Агостино Карраччи, двоюродный брат Лодовико Карраччи.
Annibale Carracci, an Italian early baroque artist.
He was the most important member of an influential family of painters that included his elder brother Agostino and their cousin Lodovico. In 1585 they established the Accademia degli Incamminati, a painting school with the avowed purpose of reforming art by retrieving the classical principles of the High Renaissance masters, as exemplified in the work of artisits Michelangelo and Raphael.

Рени Г.

Guido Reni
Бегство в Египет {1429}
Flight into Egypt

Вознесение БР {2650}

Ascension of the Virgin

БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми {2047}

Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints

Оплакивание Христа {1436}

Lamentation over Christ
К его богородичным работам относятся также:
БР и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем
Virgin and Child with young John the Baptist БР на троне со св. Матфеем
Вознесение БР
Ascension of the Virgin Вознесение БР
Ascension of the Virgin Коронование БР
Coronation of Virgin Оплакивание Христа
Lamentation over Christ Отдых на пути в Египет
Rest on the flight to Egypt Явление БР свв. Луке и Екатерине
The Virgin appears to SS Luke and Catherine
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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