Дейк А. ван
Anthony van Dyck
Антонис Ван Дейк (1599 - 1641)
Sir Anthony van Dyck, Flemish artist.
In 1610 he was apprenticed to the Flemish historical painter Hendrik van Balen.
He was admitted to the Antwerp guild of painters in 1618.
He spent the next two years as a member of the workshop of the Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens in Antwerp.
From 1620 to 1627 van Dyck traveled in Italy, where he was in great demand as a portraitist and where he developed his maturing style.
Back in Antwerp from 1627 to 1632, van Dyck worked as a portraitist and a painter of church pictures.
In 1632 he settled in London as chief court painter to King Charles I, who knighted him shortly after his arrival.
Был придворным живописцем Карла I.
БР и Младенец {1865}
Virgin and Child

Оплакивание {6193}

Lamentation over Christ

Покров {6330}

Virgin as Intercessor

Снятие со креста {2904}

К его богородичным работам относятся также:
БМ с куропатками {2546}

БР и Младенец

Virgin and Child БР и Младенец с ангелами и донаторами {2547}
Virgin and Child with angels and donors

БР и Младенец со св. Екатериной Александрийской {1866}

Virgin and Child with St Catherine of Alexandria

Видение св. Антония

Vision of St Anthony Вознесение БР {2545}
Ascension of Virgin

Непорочное зачатие

Immaculate Conception Mystic marriage of St Catherine Отдых на пути в Египет
Rest on the flight to Egypt Поклонение пастухов
Adoration of the shepherds Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов и БР {2544}
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz