Эйк Я. ван
Jan van Eyck
Ян ван Эйк (~1390 - 1441), нидерландский живописец.
Flemish painter.
Jan had a brother Herbert and with some of the earlier work it is not clear who painted them.
В 1425...31 был придворным живописцем Филиппа Доброго в Бургундии.
In 1425 Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, appointed him court painter, a position he retained until his death.
Наиболее крупное произведение - Иконостас гентский {2668}.
Some of works, ascribed variously to both Jan and Hubert or to either Jan or Hubert, are the Turin-Milan Hours (manuscript destroyed by fire in 1904), the Three Marys at the Tomb (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam), and a diptych, Crucifixion and Last Judgement (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City).
Христус П.
Petrus Christus
Annunciation БМ в храме {2912}
Virgin in the church

БМ канцлера Ролина {1107}

Virgin of Chancellor Rolin

БМ с каноником ван дер Пале {1803}

Virgin with Canon van der Paele

БМ у фонтана {2911}

Madonna by the fountain


Virgin БР и Младенец
Virgin and Child БР и Младенец из холла гостиницы {2913}
Virgin and Child from the inn's hall

БР и Младенец на троне

Virgin and Child enthroned БР и Младенец на троне с архангелом Михаилом, св. Екатериной и донатором {2049}
Virgin and Child enthroned with archangel Michael, St Catherine and the donor БР и Младенец с ангелами {2911}
Virgin and Child with angels

БР и Младенец со святыми и донатором {2914}

Virgin and Child with saints and donor

Мадонна Лукка {2910}

Lucca Madonna

Млекопитательница на троне {2910}

Suckling Virgin enthroned

Распятие с предстоящими

Crucifixion with attendants Рождение Иоанна Крестителя {4971}
The Birth of St John the Baptist

Страшный суд

The Last Judgment
вид иконы:
иконостас {2668}

диптих {2915}


триптих {2049}


Virgin museum
Peter museum

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