Галлего Ф.
Fernando Gallego
Фернандо Галлего (~1440 - 1507)
Spanish painter
One of the greatest of the Castilian painters to adopt the Hispano-Flemish style was Fernando Gallego, who was active, mainly in Salamanca, approximately between 1466 and 1506. There are certain resemblances between Gallego's paintings and those of Dirk Bouts, although the former's types are decidedly Spanish. Gallego was primarily interested in achieving a convincing representation of space, arranging his figures with a certain freedom, though still with Gothic angularity. He had that sculptural conception of form that leads to close and intensive modeling and that has long been one of the hallmarks of Spanish painting.
БМ католических королей {2924}
Virgin of the Catholic Kings

БР и Младенец на троне со святыми и молящимися {2924}

Virgin and Child enthroned with saints and devotees

Богоявление, или Епифания {2926}


Пиета {2925}


Поклонение волхвов {2926}

Adoration of the magi
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz