Гойя Ф. де
Francisco de Goya
Франциско де Гойя (1746 - 1828)
Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes, Spanish painter and etcher.
His father was a painter and a gilder of altarpieces.
Bayeu (the brother of Goya's wife) was influential in forming Goya's early style and was responsible for his participation in an important commission, the fresco decoration (1771, 1780-1782) of the Church of the Virgin in El Pilar in Saragossa.
Goya was appointed first court painter in 1799.
БР как королева мучеников {1948}
Virgin as queen of martyrs

Рождество Марии {1943}

Birth of Maria
К его богородичным работам относится также:
Св. Семейство с юным Иоанном Крестителем
Holy Family with young John the Baptist
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz