Гойя Ф. де
Francisco de Goya
- история:
- Франциско де Гойя (1746 - 1828)
- Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes, Spanish painter and etcher.
- His father was a painter and a gilder of altarpieces.
- Bayeu (the brother of Goya's wife) was influential in forming Goya's early style and was responsible for his participation in an important commission, the fresco decoration (1771, 1780-1782) of the Church of the Virgin in El Pilar in Saragossa.
- Goya was appointed first court painter in 1799.
- название:
- БР как королева мучеников {1948}
- Virgin as queen of martyrs
Рождество Марии {1943}
- Birth of Maria
- К его богородичным работам относится также:
- Св. Семейство с юным Иоанном Крестителем
- Holy Family with young John the Baptist
- место:
- Madrid: Museo del Prado
- оформление:
- 1774.
- Oil on canvas.
- предмет с изображением: