Лоренцо Монако
Lorenzo Monaco
Лоренцо Монако (Пьеро ди Джованни)(~1370 - 1423), итальянский живописец, монах.
Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni), Italian (Florence) painter.
Piero di Giovanni became 'Lorenzo Monaco' (Lorenzo the Monk) upon taking his vows in 1391 at the Camaldolese monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence.
Lorenzo Monaco, painter and Camaldolite monk whose activity as illuminator appears in bright colours.
Around 1400 the Sienese Lorenzo Monaco had one of the most flourishing workshops in Florence.
He produced book illustrations and altarpieces, some for his own monastery.
Lorenzo's oeuvre displays an evolution from the Florentine late Trecento manner to the more flowing style of painting generally known as International Gothic, typified by figures delineated by the flowing lines of draperies.
Lorenzo deployed the idiom with extraordinary delicacy.
Unlike many other painters of the International Gothic, he had a natural talent for monumental figure compositions.
Бегство в Египет
The Flight into Egypt Благовещение
Annunciation БР и Младенец
Virgin and Child БР и Младенец на троне со святыми
Virgin and Child enthroned with the saints Встреча Марии с Елизаветой
The meeting of Maria with Elizabeth Коронование БР
Coronation of the Virgin and Adoring saints Муж Скорбей с предстоящими
Man of Sorrow with attendants Поклонение волхвов
Adoration of the magi Покров Христа и БР {1600}
Intercession of Christ and Virgin

Распятие с предстоящими {5879}

Crucifixion with attendants


Nativity Скромность
Virgin of Humility
вид иконы:
2-частник {5574}
2-partite icon

диптих {3256}



altarpiece триптих {3253}
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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