Лоренцетти А.
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Амброджо Лоренцетти (~ 1285 - 1348), итальянский живописец, младший брат Пьетро Лоренцетти.
Вероятно, оба брата умерли во время эпидемии чумы, разразившейся в Сиене в 1348.
Younger than his brother Pietro, Ambrogio Lorenzetti differed from him mainly by his more realistic adherence to the subjects he depicted, humanizing even divine images.
The only certain information about his life is from the period between 1319 and 1347.
Ambrogio was registered since 1327 in the Guild of Physicians and Apothecaries to which the painters also belonged.
Ambrogio and Pietro worked together in ~1325...30 in the Franciscan monastery in Siena. They worked on the frescos for the Santa Maria della Scala church in Siena, which unfortunately have been lost.
One of his greatest works is surely the decoration of the Sala dei Nove in Siena's Palazzo Pubblico, with the "Allegories and Effects of Good and Bad Government in the Town and in the Country", in which the extreme detail of the countryside and medieval town is worth noting, as well as the realism of the characters (especially the deformed monsters, symbols of a bad constitution).
As there exists no information concerning either Ambrogio Lorenzetti or his brother from 1347 on, it can be assumed that they both died of the Black Death in 1348.
Благовещение БР и Младенец
Virgin and Child БР и Младенец на троне {3062}
Virgin and Child enthroned

БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми

Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints БР и Младенец со святыми
Virgin and Child with saints БР с ангелами и святыми {3064}
Virgin with angels and saints

Мадонна ...

Madonna ... Маеста
Maesta Млекопитательница {3063}
Suckling Madonna

Оповещение Богородицы об Успении {3060}

Announcement of Death to the Virgin

Сретение {3067}

Presentation of Christ in the temple
вид иконы:
иконостас {3059}


Virgin museum
Peter museum
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