Лотто Л.
Lorenzo Lotto
Лоренцо Лотто (~1480 - 1556), венецианский живописец.
Lorenzo Lotto, Venetian artist.
Родился в Венеции и, вероятно, был учеником Алевизе Виварини, от которого он воспринял традиционную схему изображения фигур отдельно от окружения (метод, преодоленный тициановским единством композиции). Лотто в значительной мере развил стремление Алевизе Виварини к передаче тонких оттенков душевного состояния и чувств. Именно для этой цели Лотто нарушал равновесие фигур в композиции; он не считал нужным придерживаться современного стиля и преодолевать отчужденность персонажей от окружающего их мира...
He was probably trained in the Bellini workshop and his early works are strongly Bellinesque. He was influenced by the style of the great Giovanni Bellini, as well as showing hints of his attraction to the work of Antonello da Messina and Albrecht Durer.
In his works, which are definitely non-classical, as the main aim was not accurate proportions, but a portrayal of emotion and character, there is a strong presence of light flooding the scenes and lighting up the characters portryayed so that the colours become warm and enveloping. Most noteworthy among his many works are the "Annunciation" {3079}; the "Portrait of a young man" at the Accademia in Venice, in which there is a salamander, symbol of immortality opposed to the transience of human life; the large altarpieces of Treviso, Jesi and Recanati, as well as a large number of portraits, frescos and paintings on holy themes.
Present at the Uffizi are the "Virgin and Child with saints" {3083} and "The chastity of Susanna", in which the device of a box-like setting, opened from above gives added interest to the Northern European style landscape.
Annunciation БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints БР и Младенец с ангелом и святыми {3080}
Virgin and Child with angel and saints

БР и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем {2045}

Virgin and Child with young John the Baptist

БР и Младенец со святыми

Virgin and Child with saints Вознесение БР
Assumption Коронование БР
Coronation of the Virgin Мадонна Розари {3086}
Madonna of the Rosary


Circumcision Обручение св. Екатерины
Mystic marriage of St Catherine Оплакивание
Lamentation Положение во гроб
Entombment of Christ Посвящение св. Клары {3097}
Vestiture of St Clare


Visitation Распятие с предстоящими
Crucifixion with attendants Рождество
Nativity Св. Родня со св. Иеронимом {3083}
Holy Kinship with SS Jerome

Сретение {3090}

Presentation of Christ in the temple

Христос, прощающийся с БР {3091}

Christ taking leave of His Mother
вид иконы:
иконостас {3089}

многочастник {3086}

multipartite icon

полиптих {3078}

Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz