Синьорелли Л.
Luca Signorelli
Лука Сигнорелли (~1447 - 1523)
Luca Signorelli came from Cortona, near Arezzo and trained with his fellow countryman Piero della Francesca, whose influence can be seen clearly in the "Flagellation" at the Brera Gallery.
He became famous for his work on the frescos. In Loreto basilica he painted especially the "Disbelief of St Thomas" and the "Conversion of Saul".
In the Sistine chapel (where he worked together with Botticelli, Pietro Perugino, Ghirlandaio and Pinturicchio) he painted especially the "Death of Moses".
In 1499...1504 he frescoed "The Dammed Cast into Hell" in San Brizio chapel in Orvieto cathedral. His series in Orvieto cathedral cover "Deeds of the Antichrist", "The Chosen Ones", "The Damned", "Resurrection of the Flesh" and the "Final Judgement". These scenes, decorated with great accuracy in shades of blue and pink, show a tangle of trembling bodies which have a strong visual impact, heightened by the cutting light which crosses them. Works by Signorelli at the Uffizi include the "Crucifix with Mary Magdalen", in which the main subject of the painting appears completely separate from the background, where a scene of deposition is taking place, made luminous by the range of dark colours used. In the room dedicated to Signorelli himself and Perugino, is the "Virgin and Child with people", and the "Holy Family" tondo, in which the figures fit exactly into the shape of the frame and look like great bronze statues. " The effect of light and shade can be seen clearly in the folds of the clothes and in the two books (the one held by the Virgin, and the one on the ground in the foreground).

From Piero della Francesca, Signorelli appears to have derived extraordinary proficiency in the modeling of painted figures that seem fully sculptural, achieved via a powerful command of line and light. To Piero's singular mastery of the rendering of rational form, Signorelli brought a genius for designing complex interactions and movement. Painted figures, packed into dramatic, action-filled compositions, display an artistic sensibility that Signorelli shared with other fifteenth-century Florentine artists. Signorelli enjoyed an active practice in central Italy. Widely known and respected, and praised by Michelangelo, he worked with Perugino and assisted on the walls of the Sistine chapel in Rome.

БР и Младенец на троне со свв. Симоном, Яковом, Франциском и Бонавентуром
Virgin and Child enthroned with SS Simon, James, Francis, and Bonaventure Вознесение БР с архангелом Михаилом и св. Венедиктом {5768}
Ascension of the Virgin with archangel Michael and St Benedict

Коронование БР

Coronation of Virgin Обручение Марии {6270}
Marriage of Maria

Распятие с предстоящими {1127}

Crucifixion with attendants

Св. Родня {6015}

Holy Kinship

Св. Семейство {4826}

Holy Family

Св. Семейство с семейством Иоанна Крестителя {6015}

Holy Family with St John the Baptist's family

Св. Семейство со св. Екатериной

Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz