БР и Младенец с ангелами и свв. Мартиной и Агнией {1316}
Virgin and Child with angels and SS Martina and Agnes
The paintings for the high altar and side altars of the Chapel of San Jose, Toledo, were begun end 1597; completed end 1599.
The Chapel was dedicated to St Joseph, St Teresa's favourite saint - 'the Father of my Soul' - for it was the original intention of the founder, Martin Ramirez (d. 1595) to build a chapel for her (d. 1582).
The paintings for the high altar (still in place) were the St Joseph and the Christ Child, and above, the Coronation of the Virgin; and, for the side chapels, the St Martin and the Beggar and the Virgin and Child with saints.
The image of the Virgin and Child, alone or as a Holy Family, was one of El Greco's most popular subjects, and a number of versions follow this basic pattern for the Virgin and Child.
Эль Греко
El Greco
Толедо: часовня св. Иосифа (1599 - )
Toledo: chapel of San Jose Вашингтон: гал. Нац.
Washington: NGA
St Martina with the Lion; St Agnes with the Lamb.
The inclusion of St Martina is possibly a reference to the name of the founder, Martin Ramirez.
Oil on canvas.
Wooden strip added at bottom.
№ 1942.9.26.
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