БР и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем {1611} Virgin and Child with yong St John the Baptist
this beautifully preserved painting is an early work by Fra Bartolomeo and exemplifies his varied interests.
Бартоломео Ф.
Fra Bartolommeo
Фонд Роджерса ( - 1906)
Rogers Fund
Нью-Йорк: Метрополитен-музей (1906 )
New York: MMA
The composition of the figures, with the lively play of hands and the elaborate configuration of the drapery, recalls Leonardo da Vinci's Benois Madonna {1465}, but the treatment of light reveals a careful study of the work of Piero di Cosimo and of Netherlandish painting much prized in Florence.
Indeed, the landscape was copied from a triptych by Hans Memling (Uffizi, Florence) that was owned by the Dominican monk Benedetto Pagagnotti.
The use of light to integrate actively posed figures and space was key to the formation of High Renaissance painting.