БР и Младенец с ангелами и свв. Иоанном Крестителем и Франциском Ассисским
Virgin and Child with angels and SS John the Baptist and Francis of Assisi
БР и Младенец окружены по бокам свв. Иоанном Крестителем и Франциском Ассисским, и девятью певчими из небесных ангелов по небесной иерархии, принятой в 6 в.
Virgin and Child are flanked by SS John the Baptist, Francis of Assisi, and the nine choirs of heavenly angels, as described in the 6th-century The Celestial Hierarchy.
Inscribed: (on neck of Madonna's dress) AVE; (on Madonna's right sleeve) GRA[TIA].
Cвятые, пределла
Saints, the minuscule predella
Below, in a minuscule predella, are Saints Clare, Lawrence, Peter, Louis of Toulouse, Catherine of Alexandria, and Cecilia.
The patron is likely to have been associated with the Franciscans.
Lippo was the brother-in-law of Simone Martini, with whom he sometimes collaborated.
In this work, he attains a refinement of execution equal to that of his famous relation.
Painted surface (257х502); predella (254х34).
The reverse side is silvered (now oxidized) and tooled.