Успение БР {1674}
В 1484 икона заказана для часовни в Кертоза в г. Падуя (Ит.)
The picture was commissioned in 1484 for a chapel in the Certosa at Padua.
Дополненная сверху резным изображением архангела Михаила, она служила алтарём.
The contract stipulated that the altarpiece, including a frame decorated at the top with a carved figure of St Michael, should be completed in eight months.
Although he was trained in the workshop of his elder brother, Antonio, it was Mantegna's work at Padua that decisively influenced Bartolomeo.
Дар Лемана Р., 1950.
Gift of Robert Lehman.
Бартоломео Виварини
Bartolomeo Vivarini
Падуя: часовня, в Кертоза (1485 - )
Padua: chapel in the Certosa

Лондон: Томас Агнес и сыновья ( - 1911)

London: Thomas Agnes & Sons, bt. Butler sale 1911

Нью-Йорк: Метрополитен (1950 )

New York: MMA
Христос держит на простёртой пелене стоящую душу Матери.
Изображено 12 апостолов и священник.
The strongly foreshortened features of the apostles and the Virgin lying on the catafalque as well as the incisive drawing derive from Mantegna.
1485. Венеция (Ит.).
Доска, темпера. Верх полукруглый.
Tempera on wood. Arched top.
Signed and dated (bottom center, on cartellino): [OPVS FAC]TVM·VENETIIS PE / [R BARTH]OLOMEVM·VIVA / [RINVM DE] MVRIANO.148[5]
№ 50.229.1 (202/2010).
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Virgin museum
Peter museum
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