БР и Младенец {1682}
Virgin and Child
This panel is one of the artist's most exquisite pictures.
Кривелли К.
Carlo Crivelli
Virgin standing behind Child Who sits on a low wall, holding a goldfinch and looking at a fly which also sits on the wall. To both sides of Virgin's head are hanging fruits and vegetables. Virgin looks distracted off to the left as Her left hand in the p/z gesture is splayed.
коллекция ( - 1949)
The Jules Bache Collection

Нью-Йорк: Метрополитен (1949 )

New York: MMA
The remarkable precision of detail in the background was possibly inspired by Flemish painting, transposed into Crivelli's preference for enameled surfaces.
The apples and the fly are symbols of sin and evil and are opposed to the cucumber and the goldfinch, symbols of redemption.
~1480. Венеция (Ит.).
Доска; темпера, золото.
Tempera and gold on wood.
Overall 254х378.
Painted surface 235х365.
It is almost perfectly preserved.
Signed (lower center): "OPVS.KAROLI.CRIVELLI.VENETI".
№ 49.7.5 (214/2010).
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файл ep4975
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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