Мадонна Темпи {1822} Tempi Madonna, or Madonna di Casa Tempi
происхождение названия:
the family Tempi
King Ludwig of Bavaria (1820 - )
Мюнхен: Старая пинакотека
Munich (Germany): Alte Pinakothek
БР и Младенец
Virgin and Child
Virgin is represented standing, but seen only half-length.
She holds Child in Her arms, His face rests against Hers.
We are dealing here with a typical example of the Eleousa type or Virgin of tenderness.
Here is what an art historian has to say about this painting:
"Raphael, in reference to the endearments between the mother and child, has always observed a degree of reserve, respect, and modesty, which contributes ... to manifest the character of holiness which the subject requires" (Karoly, 68).
"Madonna di Casa Tempi is a fine example of the victory of Florentine over Tuscan style.
Type, mould of face and drapery are pure Florentine".