БР и Младенец {1940}
Virgin and Child
Дуччо ди Буонинсенья
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Madonna of Buonconvento and the Crevole Madonna are unanimously considered the earliest works attributable to Duccio.
The basic approach of the two paintings is of evident Byzantine tradition: the elegant stylization of the hands, the typical downward curving nose, the red maphorion under Virgin's veil, the dark drapery animated by shining gilded lines.
New details appear, to a lesser extent in the Buonconvento Madonna and repeated with greater confidence in the Crevole painting, such as the subtle play of light on the Virgin's face, over Her chin and cheeks, and a clear attempt at plasticism in the folds of the garment around the face.
Буонконвенто: Музей сакрального искусства
Buonconvento: Museo d'Arte Sacra della Val d'Arbia
Доска, темпера.
Tempera on wood.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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