БР и Младенец на троне с 6 ангелами {1941}
Virgin and Child enthroned with six angels
Гвидо Сиенский
Gvido da Siena
Guido da Siena was a Sienese painter active during the 13th century. Nothing is known of his life, and his only certain work is the Madonna and Child in Siena Town Hall.
The picture bears the date 1221, but this has been the subject of much controversy as stylistically the painting seems to belong about half a century later.
It has been suggested that the inscription may have some commemorative purpose, the significance of which is now lost, rather than being a record of the date of execution.
Although the painting is majestic in effect and follows Byzantine conventions of iconography, the figures are more natural in posture, to some extent relaxing the stiff linear patterns which had been conventional in central Italian painting up to that time.
The throne too is set in a deeper picture space, which adds to the realism of the figures.
On the basis of this picture a number of other panels, most of which are in the Siena Pinacoteca, have been assigned to Guido or his school.
Despite his great obscurity, he is regarded as sharing with Coppo di Marcovaldo the honour of founding the Sienese School.
Сиена: дворец городской
Siena: Palazzo Publico, or Town Hall
БР и Младенец на троне
Virgin and Child enthroned
Ангелы в углах вверху.
Tempera on wood.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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