Положение во гроб {1007}
Entombment of Christ
Ярославль: музей-заповедник историко-архитектурный
Yaroslavl: History and architecture museum
A cherub and two flying angels with large fans are at the top.
At the corners there are images of cherubim and seraphs.
Поля украшены надписью:
"... смерть зрится ...
... субота есть ... воскрес
17 в. Россия.
Пелена. Вышивка.
Shroud. Embroidery.
Satin, taffeta, canvas, pearls, gems, silk, gilded and silver thread, embroidery, weaving, stringing.
The faces are embroidered with colored silk thread.
Other parts of the composition are embroidered with gilded and silver thread.
A part of the image is decorated with pearls; gems in settings are on the halos.
On the borders of blue satin there is a liturgical inscription embroidered with silver thread.
Lining - sand-colored taffeta.
предмет с изображением:
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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