It was given by Pope Clement XI (1700 - 21) to Empress Elizabeth of Austria.
She donated it to Kaunitz, from whom it passed to the Esterhazy family (Hungary).
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Папа Климент ХI ( - ~1715)
Pope Clement XI
Елизавета Австрийская (~1715 - )
Empress Elizabeth of Austria
Кауниц ( - )
Будапешт: музей ... или гал. Эстерхазу
Budapest: Esterhazy Gallery at Pesth or Szepmuveseti Muzeum
БР и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем
Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist
In spite of the overall gentle harmony of the picture, there is prophetic drama involved.
St John anticipates Christ's passion ominously lying in the future, hiding it literally from Mother and Christ Child (turning his back on them).
However, the Christ Child himself "knows" already and makes it known with his outstretched arm.
The motif is familiar presenting Maria surrounded by Jesus and John the Baptist.
We see Maria in a kneeling position.
She holds the Child who is sitting on a rock.
The holy Toddler points with outstretched arm to John who turns his back on Mother and Child while reading a scroll bearing the words "Ecce Agnus Dei."
In the background sitting on top of a knoll, we can see the silhouette of a walled city with towers.