Мадонна дель Песке, или БМ с рыбой {2207} Madonna del Pesce, or Virgin of the Fish
Неаполь: храм св. Доминика ( - 1638)
Naples: St Dominic church
the duke of Medina, viceroy of Spain in Naples (1638 - 1645)
Philip IV of Spain (1645 - )
Мадрид: музей Прадо
Madrid: Museo del Prado
БР и Младенец на троне с ангелом и свв. Тобиасом и Иеронимом
Virgin and Child enthroned with angel and SS Tobias and Jerome
Virgin of the Fish was destined to embellish the church of St Dominic in Naples. This church attracted people afflicted with diseases of the eyes.
Raphael thus introduced Tobias with the fish, for Tobias had cured his father's blindness with the gall of a fish. Tobias is led to the throne of Mary and Jesus by the angel, Raphael, Tobias' guide and protector.
On the right of the throne we glance at St Jerome with a book in his hands. St Jerome is the translator of the Book of Tobit. He is accompanied by the lion, his customary attribute.
The throne with a regal Madonna holding back Her Child who eagerly stretches His right arm to grasp the fish is painted against a large curtain.