Триптих Донне {2231}
Donne Triptych
The Donne Triptych was made for Sir John Donne of Kidwelly, who is kneeling on the left of the central panel to receive the blessing of the Child.
SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist chosen probably because they were Sir John Donne's name saints.
Memling painted many similar compositions, but this version, with the scene extending across the shutters, is one of the most elaborate, and includes a characteristically detailed landscape.
Behind the mill on the river the hills recede to a hazy blue dis
Мемлинг Х.
Hans Memling
Князь Девонширский ( - 1957)
Duke of Devonshire

Лондон: Нац. гал. (1957 )

London: NGA
Св. Иоанн Креститель, левая створка
St John the Baptist, the left shutter
БР и Младенец с ангелами, свв. Екатериной и Варварой и донатором, центр
Virgin and Child with angels, SS Catherine and Barbara and donor, the centre
Св. Иоанн Богослов, правая створка
St John the Evangelist, the right shutter
Свв. Христофор и Антоний Абботт, внешняя сторона створок
SS Christopher and Anthony Abbott, the exteriors of the shutters
Дуб, масло.
Oil on oak.
The triptych would normally be closed to protect its interior and opened on feast days.
№ NG6275.1.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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