Умиление, с образами на полях {2452}
Virgin the Eleusa, with images on borders
- история:
- Endowed by Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich Romanov to the Ipatyev monastery.
- It is one of the best works of this type which were created in Russia in the 17 th century.
- Due to the great skill of the icon-painter who has created the image full of high spirituality this work ranks among the best icons of the epoch.
- место:
- Кострома: музей-заповедник
- Kostroma: History and architecture museum reserve "The Ipatyevsky monastery"
- композиция:
- Св. Троица, с Серафимами, навершие
- Holy Trinity, with Seraphim
БР и Младенец, средник
- Virgin and Child
- оформление:
- 17 в.
- Wood, tempera, gilding.
- Icon setting - silver, stamping, gilding.
- 323х433х25.
- Деисус
- Deesis, icon-case
- композиция:
- Блачерниотисса
- Blacherniotissa
- оформление:
- 15 в.
- Insert icon.
- Кость. Резьба.
- Carving on ivory.
- Decorated with a precious setting - silver, enamel, filigree.
- 48х65х7.
- Святые
- Saints
- композиция:
- Margins saints are depicted including the heavenly patrons of the Ipatyev monastery - apostle Philip and St Hypatius of Gangra.
- оформление:
- 16 вв.
- Icon-case - wood, tempera.
- Icon-case setting - silver, thin stamping; gilding.
- 470х717х65.
- оформление:
- Москва.
- № КМЗ KOK 7573.
- предмет с изображением:
- посвящённый предмет:
| ![Valenik](http://valenik.narod.ru/nvv.jpg) |