Вознесение БР {2650}
Ascension of the Virgin
- история:
- The Cerasi Chapel is famous for Caravaggio's two paintings, Conversion of St Paul and Crucifixion of St Peter.
- However, Caravaggio's paintings do not stand alone. The artist's great competitor, Annibale Carracci, of all painters, received the commission for the main picture, an Assumption of the Virgin Mary, above the altar.
- There is a radical difference between the Bolognese artist's beautifully bright colors, the powerful blue and red he applies, as against Caravaggio's earth-tones, which he varies only by blue on St Peter and red on St Paul.
- автор:
- Карраччи, Аннибале
- Annibale Carracci
- место:
- Рим: храм Санта-Мария дель Пополо
- Rome: Santa Maria del Popolo
- место:
- часовня
- Cerasi chapel
- оформление:
- 1600...01.
- Oil on canvas.
- 1550х2450.
- предмет с изображением:
- иллюстрация
- [1214 c. 81]
- файл
- assump3c
- www.kfki.hu/~arthp/art/c/carracci/annibale/2/assumpt.jpg