Благовещение {2678}
- автор:
- Мастерская Мартини С.
- Workshop of Simone Martini
- история:
- Является списком с диптиха {1536}.
- The National Gallery has no paintings by Simone Martini, one of the most important Sienese painters of the 14th century.
This painting of the Virgin of the Annunciation, although damaged, is copied from a painting by Simone {1536}.
- The closeness of the derivation suggests that the painting was made in Simone's workshop by a close follower, Naddo Ceccarelli. The punching of the borders is characteristic of works attributed to Naddo.
the painting typifies the exquisite nature of Sienese 14th-century painting, particularly in the sinuous lines of the drapery and the elaborate punchwork.
- It was originally the right wing of a diptych of which the other half, now lost, would have shown the angel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin that she is to bear the Son of God.
- композиция:
- Гавриил, створка левая
- Gabriel, the left wing
Мария, створка правая
- Maria, the right wing
- место:
- Лондон: Нац. гал.
- London: NGA
- оформление:
- № L877.
- оформление:
- ~1340.
- Диптих. Доска, яичная темпера.
- Diptych.
| ![Valenik](http://valenik.narod.ru/nvv.jpg) |