This altarpiece - often called Mond Crucifixion from the name of its owner - was commissioned for the Gavari Chapel in San Domenico.
Китта ди Кастелло: церковь св. Доминика (1503 - )
Citta di Castello : San Domenico
капелла Гавари
Gavari chapel
Лондон: гал. Нац.
London: NGA
БР и св. Иероним; свв. Иоанн Богослов и Мария Магдалина
Virgin and St Jerome; SS John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene
Два ангела парят, собирая капли крови Христовой.
Christ on the cross - surrounded by two hovering angels collecting the precious blood oozing from the wounds of His hands - dominates a group of four: on his right the Virgin and Jerome; on his left St John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene.
This scene composed in strict symmetry and still marked by Perugino is set against a vast and sunlit landscape.
The unity of tone characteristic of Perugino is brightened by the lively Florentine color scheme.
Their posture is that of penitents (St Jerome since the 15th century) whereas Mary and John are pictured standing, posing as participants in Christ's passion and disciples of the Redemption.
Вазари пишет, что если бы "Распятие" не было подписано Рафаэлем, его вполне можно было приписать кисти Перуджино.
Фон картины словно представляет собой подход к Флоренции со стороны Умбрии - важное свидетельство того, что Рафаэль в молодости побывал в столице Тосканы.