Триптих "Св. Севастиан" {2788}
St Sebastian Triptych
- автор:
- Беллини, Джованни
- Giovanni Bellini
- история:
- It was commissioned by Zaccaria Vitturini.
- It also shows the influence of the vibrant energy of Donatello and the rigorous plasticity of Mantegna, made softer and more natural by Bellini's use of colour.
- In a few details, as in the face of St Sebastian standing out clearly in its golden halo, one already senses the beginnings of the Christian spirituality which the 70 year-old Bellini was able to express in terms of a humanistic formal purity.
- место:
- Венеция
- Venice
- перемещение:
- церковь Санта Мария делла Чарита
- church Santa Maria della Carita
- место:
- часовня св. Севастиана
- St Sebastian chapel
гал. Академии
- Gallerie dell'Accademia
- композиция:
- Благовещение, навершие
- Annunciation, a lunette
- композиция:
- Бог Отец, с Благовещением
- оформление:
- 1700х590.
Св. Иоанн Креститель
- St John the Baptist, the left panel
Св. Севастьян
- St Sebastian, the central
Св. Антоний
- St Anthony Abbot, the right panel
- оформление:
- 1460...64.
- Tempera on panel.
- предмет с изображением:
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