БМ католических королей {2924} Virgin of the Catholic Kings
Галлего Ф.
Fernando Gallego
The attribution of this painting is debated.
Speculations have been made about the possible author of this work; researchers have ascribed it either to Flemish painters at the service of the Court, or to Flemish style Spanish painters, or to artists of the Castilian school and even to artists such as the Master from Miraflores.
Recently it is assumed that it was created by a follower of Gallego.
Авила: монастырь св. Фомы (1495 - )
Avila: monastery of St Thomas
музей ( - )
Museo de la Trinidad
Мадрид: музей Прадо
Madrid: Museo del Prado
БР и Младенец на троне со святыми и молящимися
Virgin and Child enthroned with saints and devotees
King Ferdinand V is kneeling at the feet of his patron St Thomas Aquinos, to whom the monastery is dedicated.
Beside the King the Prince Don Juan, behind them Fray Tomas de Torquemada, the Chief Inquisitor, can be seen.
In the opposite group Queen Isabella is adoring the Madonna with her patron saint, St Dominic Guzman, the founder of the Order.
Beside the Queen Isabella the Princess Dona Isabella, behind them the chronicler Pedro Martir de Angleria as St Pedro Martir from Verona can be seen.
The reading of the work shows the difference and at the same time the equality between divine and regal powers.
The disposition of the different characters within the space of the panel determines the hierarchy stated by the superiority of divine over regal power, though the painter has depicted them in an homogeneous scale.
The scene is headed by the Virgin's centrality and all figures and architectural elements fit a total symmetry that procures balance to the work.
The artist has used a rigorous geometrical perspective, with a vanishing point above Virgin's head on the upper edge of the panel.
A certain purpose of lighting can be observed, allowing to model the faces of the characters and to create lit and shadowy areas.
The shadows projected on the floor tiles are the object of a shy study, endowing the whole with variety and realism.
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