In 1485 Ghirlandaio received the commission for the main altar in the church of the Spedale degli Innocenti.
The altarpiece was installed in 1488, just after its completion.
Vasari writes about the painting:
"In the church of the Innocenti he painted in tempera a much-admired picture of the magi, containing some fine heads and varied physiognomies of people both young and old, notably a head of the Virgin, displaying all the modesty, beauty and grace which art can impart to the Mother of God."
Гирландайо Д.
Domenico Ghirlandaio
Флоренция: Детдом
Florence: Spedale degli Innocenti
церковь ( - 1917)
над алтарём ( - 1786)
over the altar
стена за алтарём (1786 )
in the wall behind the altar
галерея (1917 )
Galleria dell'Ospedale degli Innocenti, or Hospital's museum
Поклонение волхвов
Adoration of the magi
Избиение младенцев, слева
Slaughter of the Innocents, in the background on the left side
Бартоломео ди Джованни
Bartolommeo di Giovanni
На переднем плане представлены два святых младенца.
The head behind the young king is a self-portrait of the artist and it is similar to that of the Santa Maria Novella painting with the Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple and the other in {2960}.