Оплакивание {3168}
Large Round Pieta
This Pieta received its name due to the fact that the Louvre possesses a smaller Pieta of the same style.
Малуэл Ж.
Jean Malouel
Париж: Лувр
Paris: Musee du Louvre
Совмещены два евангельских сюжета - С. Троица и Оплакивание.

Seated against a golden background God the Father supports the lifeless, bleeding body of the dead Christ in his arms.

With yearning eyes the Virgin bids farewell to Her Son, clasping His arm with both hands.
Behind Her the figure of St John the Evangelist in a red robe completes the composition, his fair head following the line of the circular frame.
On the left of God the Father and the dead Christ small angels in blue and red robes express their sorrow.
One of them embraces the knee of Christ, the other one holds the transparent white veil covering the lower part of his body.
The pale and grey ivory of Christ's body is set off by the more vivid, richer colours of the other figures.
The delicate interplay of the fingers and hands is particularly to be admired.
The coat of arms of Burgundy appears on the reverse of the panel, and it can therefore be assumed that the picture was made for the court of Burgundy; perhaps for the Chartreuse de Champmol of Dijon.
Доска, темпера.
Ж 640.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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