Иконостас пизанский {3176}
Pisa altarpiece
Altarpiece is Masaccios only surviving documented work.
This altarpiece was commissioned by a Pisan notary, Ser Giuliano degli Scarsi, in 1426 for the family funerary chapel.
On February 19th 1426 Masaccio agreed to paint an altarpiece for the sum of 80 florins.
On December 26th of that year the work must have been already completed since payment for it is recorded on this date.
The altarpiece was probably broken up in the 16th century when the church was remodelled.
The surviving panels have been identified from a description of the altarpiece in Giorgio Vasaris Lives of the Painters (1568), the primary source of knowledge about early Tuscan artists such as Masaccio.
Vasari gave a detailed description of the work which was the basis for art critics for the attempt at reconstruction and for the recovery and identification of the work which was dismantled and dispersed in the 18th century.
Only eleven pieces have so far come to light and they are not sufficient to enable a reliable reconstruction of the whole work.
The panels of the altarpiece are in various museums.
В 2001 алтарь демонстрировался на выставке в Лондоне.
This exhibition celebrates the 600th anniversary of the birth of Masaccio by reuniting the main panel with surviving fragments.
Пиза: церковь кармелитов Санта Мария дел Кармине (1426 - 18 в.)
Pisa: Carmelite church of S. Maria del Carmine
БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами, центр
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels, the central panel Распятие с предстоящими, навершие
Crucifixion with attendants, over the central panel
Двое кармелитских святых
Two Carmelite saints
Апостол Павел
St Paul
Свв. Иероним и Август
SS Jerome and Augustine
Свв. Пётр и Иоанн Креститель, створка
SS Peter and John the Baptist, the wing

Свв. Иулиан и Николай, створка

SS Julian and Nicholas, the wing


Полиптих. Тополь, яичная темпера.
Polyptych. 19 pieces winged altar.
Tempera on wood.
h = 5 м.
В 16 в. это монументальное произведение распилено на части.
Известны 11 панелей.
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz