Диптих {3256}
- автор:
- Лоренцо М.
- Lorenzo Monaco
- история:
- These little panels form an impressive and rare monument to Italian painting for private devotion.
- It is believed that diptych was used as a visual aid by a learned monk in the monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence, where Lorenzo also lived and for which he made many works of art.
- композиция:
- Скромность
- Virgin of Humility
- место:
- Копенгаген: музей Торвальдсена
- Copenhagen: Thorvaldsens Museum
- композиция:
- БР и Младенец
- Virgin and Child
- композиция:
- Virgin displays Her humility by seating Herself on the ground.
- оформление:
- 178х228.
- предмет с изображением:
- Св. Иероним
- St Jerome
- место:
- Амстердам: МИИ
- Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum
- композиция:
- St Jerome has removed the thorn from the lion's paw, illustrating the monastic virtue of chastity
- Even on the small scale of the diptych he has created a figure that dominates the picture surface.
- What is even more remarkable is that he succeeded in combining the saint, the lion and the study into a single convincing image.
- Jerome was not a great miracle-worker or preacher, nor did he die for his faith after harrowing torments.
- He earned his saintly status by translating the Bible into Latin from Greek and Hebrew. That is why Lorenzo portrayed him in a study.
- The lecturn has two shelves, one holding the book to be translated, the other the translation.
- St Jerome ranks second in the hierarchy of the Fathers of the Church, and as a cardinal, despite the fact that the office of cardinal was unknown in his own day.
- That is how he is usually depicted, although Lorenzo preferred to show him as a monk. Jerome's red cardinal's hat can be glimpsed hanging behind the right-hand lectern.
- Jerome started out as a classic scholar but later he withdrew into the Syrian desert to practice renunciation of the world. Here he had befriended a lion by removing a thorn from its paw.
- He is usually shown as an old man with a cardinal's hat and accompanied by his loyal and thankful lion.
- оформление:
- 180х220.
- предмет с изображением:
- оформление:
- ~1420.
- Panel.
| ![Valenik](http://valenik.narod.ru/nvv.jpg) |