БР и Младенец, или Мадонна Халлер / Лот с дочерьми {3258}
Virgin and Child, or Haller Madonna / Lot and his daughters
It was commissioned by the Haller von Hallerstein family.

Since the combination of the story of Lot with the depiction of the Virgin and Child is extremely unusual, the exact relation of the two images remains unclear. However, they could be understood as two examples of the value of a just life and of the pervasive grace of God, especially if the Virgin and Child on the obverse was intended as a private devotional image.

Дюрер А.
Albrecht Durer
Probably a member of the Haller family, Nuremberg Possibly Paul von Praun [d. 1616] and descendants, Nuremberg, until at least 1778 Charles a Court Repington [d. 1925], Amington Hall, Warwickshire; sold to Mrs. Phyllis Loder, London (sale, Christie's, London, 29 April 1932, no. 51, as Bellini); (Vaz Dias.) Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, Villa Favorita, Lugano-Castagnola, by 1934. (Pinakos, Inc. [Rudolf Heinemann] on consignment to M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1950) [M. Knoedler & Co. stockbook]

purchased 1950 by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York; gift 1952 by exchange to NGA.

Вашингтон: гал. Нац. (1952 )

Washington: NGA
БР и Младенец, или Мадонна Халлер
Virgin and Child, or Haller Madonna Лот с дочерьми
Lot and his daughters
~ 1496...99.
Oil on wood.
№ 1952.2.16.a.b.
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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