Битва суздальцев с новгородцами, или Чудо от иконы "Знамение" {3612}
Defence of Novgorod against the troops of Suzdal
The icon seems to be an immediate copy of the masterpiece; of course we cannot exclude the possibility that it appeared first and was copied later by a master of much greater skill and ability.
This icon includes an interesting detail not found on the other two icons - an image of St Nicholas in a roundel next to the walls of Novgorod in the top left corner.
This image is an allusion to the famous icon of Nicholas the Wet which miraculously appeared in the waters of the lake Ilmen and healed the ailing prince Mstislav.
Scholars believe that the round icon of St Nicholas, kept today in the Novgorod Museum, is this wonderworking icon.
Besides this interesting detail which confirms the extreme popularity and importance of Nicholas for the Novgorodians, the incidents of the battle are rendered here in a simplified manner.
Neither the walls of the city, nor the groups of armed men have the same graphic qualities as in our masterpiece.
They seem to be blending together (this may be partially due to the extensive damage) and fail to achieve the same artistic and spiritual impact as the figures of the first icon.
с. Курицко на озере Ильмень: церковь Успенская ( - )
Kuritsko: church of Dormition


Moscow: Tretyakov gallery
Торжественное перенесение иконы из церкви Спаса на Ильине-улице в "детинец", верхний ярус

Встреча посланцев при вероломной стрельбе по иконе, средний ярус

Столкновение конниц, суздальцев охватывает смятение, нижний ярус


Новгородская школа.
Novgorod School.
Доска. Ковчег. Темпера яичная.
Egg tempera on wood.
№ 14454.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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