Триптих-складень {3988}
Portable triptych
It is a private devotional altar used for personal meditation on the life and suffering of Christ.
The frame, the niches for reliquaries and the rich punching of the gold background show a link with the goldwork for which Cologne was famous.
The style of drawing, with the many gestures of the figures, connects the work with Cologne manuscript illumination around 1300.
With its articulated spaces, its use of highlights to model figures and structures, and its transparent colours this little altarpiece represents the starting point of Gothic painting in Cologne.
Рождество, левая створка, вверху
Nativity, the upper half of the left wing

Поклонение волхвов, левая створка, внизу

Adoration of the magi, the upper half of the left wing

Распятие с предстоящими, центр

Crucifixion with attendants, the centre Вознесение Господне, правая створка, вверху
Ascension, the upper half of the right wing Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов и БР
~1330. Cologne school.
Tempera on oak.
(240 + 480 + 240)х650.
По 6 ниш для мощей на створках посредине и 12 на центральной панели вверху.
(6 + 12 + 6) niches for reliquaries.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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