Милосердная {3007}
Virgin of Charity
- автор:
- Эль Греко
- El Greco
- история:
- El Greco was responsible for the whole of the decoration of the chapel, begun in 1603, and completed in 1605. All the portraits are of men of Toledo of his time.
- The ruffs had grown to rather exaggerated proportions in the twenty years from the time of the Burial of the Count of Orgaz, and their introduction into the painting was censured by the Hospital authorities.
- At some time they were painted over, but have been recently restored. El Greco's son appears on the extreme right, at about the same age as in the portrait in Seville.
- место:
- Иллескас: госпиталь (1605 )
- Illescas: Hospital de la Caridad
- место:
- церковь
- church
- перемещение:
- High altar (1605 - )
- side altar of St Ildefonso
- композиция:
- Покров
- Intercession
- композиция:
- БР с ангелами над молящимися испанскими сеньорами
- Virgin with angels above the praying Spain senors
- оформление:
- 1603...05.
- Oil on canvas.
- 1230х1550.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- 07charit
- www.kfki.hu/~arthp/art/g/greco_el/1601-05/07charit.jpg
- 590*950
- True Color
- 129 Kb
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