Св. беседа, или Алтарь Монтефелтро {4141}
Sacred Conversation, or Montefeltro Altarpiece
- история:
- It was a revolutionary picture which broke away from the traditional medieval polyptych, divided into sections, in order to concentrate the dialogue between the Virgin and saints in a space which was perspectively uniform and measurable, in relation to the spectator.
- автор:
- Пьеро делла Франческа
- Piero della Franceska
- перемещение:
- церковь св. Бернарда ( - )
- : church of San Bernardino
Милан: пинакотека Брера
- Milan: Pinacoteca di Brera
- композиция:
- БР и Младенец на троне со святыми и донатором Федериго да Монтефельтро
- Virgin and Child enthroned with saints and donor
- композиция:
- With the famous portrait of the Duke in armour.
- оформление:
- 1465 или 1472...74.
- Oil on panel.
- 1700х2480.
- предмет с изображением: