Piero's masterpiece was probably painted to celebrate the marriage between Giovanni della Rovere, lord of Senigallia, and Giovanna, daughter of Duke Federico da Montefeltro in 1472.
It remained in the church until the 1930s, when it was moved to the Ducal Palace in Urbino for reasons of security.
The interior is Flemish in style, reminiscent of the works of Van Eyck rather than of Justin of Ghent, who was working at the Ducal Palace in Urbino at that time.
The intimacy of the painting emphasises the maternal rather than queenly role of the Madonna, yet Рer narrow eyes contain a deep mystical divinity.
Пьеро делла Франческа
Piero della Franceska
Сенигаллия: церковь Санта Мария делле Грацие (~1472 - ~1935)
Senigallia: church of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Урбино: гал. Умбрии, Нац.
Urbino: Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria or Galleria Nazionale delle Marche
БР и Младенец с ангелами
Virgin and Child with angels
Сhild sits erect in His Mother's arms, like an Emperor, in an attitude of benediction.
The angel to the left catches our eye so powerfully as to prevent us from getting too close to the central figures, while the angel to the right looks towards the Mother and Child.
The harmonic atmosphere of Piero's masterpiece has a quality which seems so far from the work of his Italian contemporaries and, to the modern viewer, a mystical intensity which is almost oriental.