БР и Младенец на троне со свв. Иоанном Крестителем и Севастианом {4159}
Virgin and Child enthroned with SS John the Baptist and Sebastian
- автор:
- Перуджино П.
- Pietro Perugino
- перемещение:
- Фиезоле: церковь св. Доминика ( - )
- Fiesole: church of St Domenico
Флоренция: гал. Уффици
- Florence: galleria degli Uffizi
- место:
- Leonardo da Vinci room
- композиция:
- St John the Baptist points to Jesus.
- St Sebastian has the job of protecting the town from the plague.
- The painting has both symbolic and cathartic value, showing the purification of humanity from the evils that afflict it, and with the dark shades and few touches of light used an intimate atmosphere is created.
- оформление:
- 1493.
- Oil on panel.
- 1640х1780.
- Signed and dated.
- предмет с изображением: