The polyptych originally had a predella, which Miklos Boskovits has identified with five predella panels in the Gemaldegalerie in Berlin. The predellas in Berlin are attributed on the basis of style to Martino di Bartolomeo.
These predellas have as their theme the achievements and miracles of Saint Birgitta of Sweden, the mystic and reformer who died in Italy in 1373. After her death, her visions and prophecies were edited by her confessor, Alfonso Pecha da Vadaterra, Bishop of Jaen, who circulated copies of the Liber Celestis Revelationum all over Europe. Birgitta also founded a monastic order, based - like the Dominicans' - on the rule of St Augustine; the order flourished in the fifteenth century not only in her native Sweden, but in Italy, the Lowlands, and England. She was canonized in 1391, and her sanctity was confirmed in 1419 by Martin V.[52]. Although she was championed by powerful members of the order, her feast was not entered on the Dominican calendar. So her presence in the high altarpiece for the church of San Domenico cannot be linked to the order's own liturgy.
Св. Доминик
БР и Младенец
Св. Иоанн Богослов
Св. Бригитта Шведская
Св. Бригитта пишет под диктовку Христа и БР
Видение Рождества св. Бригитте
Явление св. Бригитты
Св. Бригитта спасает паломников от кораблекрушения