~Иконостас {4396}
церковь св. ( - )
church of St. Demetrios of Kola

Закинф: музей Византийский

Zakynthos: Byzantine museum
At the top six gorgons hold the arched prependoulia with painted representations of the two Incense Bearers, the Virgin, Ioannes and the two soldiers within a perforated floral pattern.
Crucifixion is shown in the centre with the evangelical symbols.
Below the icons of the Twelve Church Festivals, the liturgical ikons of St Demetrios (1730), the Theotokos Odhegetria, the Pantocrator (the work of Michael Damaskenos) and St John the Baptist.
The bema doors have full-figure life-size representations of the fathers of Rome, Clement, Sylvester and Leo.
The gilded carved wood templon.
It is decorated with floral and faunal designs.
The panels are missing.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Hosted by uCoz