Иконостас {4863}
- история:
- Large 21-panel polyptych is his only work to remain intact in the place for which it was commissioned.
- автор:
- Кривелли К.
- Carlo Crivelli
- место:
- Асколи Пицено: собор
- Ascoli Piceno: cathedral
- место:
- chapel of the Holy Sacrament
- комппозиция:
- Оплакивание, со Святыми, верхний ярус
- Lamentation over Christ, with Saints, the top tier
- комппозиция:
- Оплакивание
- Lamentation over Christ
- комппозиция:
- Dead Christ being supported by mourners in a composition which creates a truly three-dimensional space.
- Saints
- комппозиция:
- Св. Екатерина
- St Catherine of Alexandria, top far left
Св. Иероним
- St Jerome, holding a model of the city baptistery
Св. Георгий
- St George, top inner right
Св. Урсула
- St Ursula (top far right)
БР и Младенец на троне со святыми, центральный ярус
- Virgin and Child enthroned with saints
- комппозиция:
- БР и Младенец на троне, центр
- Virgin and Child enthroned
- комппозиция:
- It is one of the finest of Crivelli's many interpretations of the scene.
- The standard lines of saints which surround the central panel of Virgin and Child are depicted here with an imagination that has moved at least one scholar to describe some of the figures as participants in a fashion show, particularly SS Catherine of Alexandria, George and Ursula, who are dressed exquisitely in contemporary fashion.
- Saints
- комппозиция:
- Св. Пётр
- St Peter
Св. Иоанн Креститель
- St John the Baptist
Св. Эмидио
- St Emidio (to whom the cathedral is dedicated)
Св. Павел
- St Paul
Деисус, пределла
- Deesis, the predella
- комппозиция:
- The predella, the lower tier of the altarpiece, comprises 11 small panels of apostles and saints in various attitudes, with Christ in Benediction at the centre.
- оформление:
- 1473.
- 2800х2800.
- It is exceptional not only for its fine condition but also for the superb gilt Venetian-Gothic frame in which it is conserved.
- предмет с изображением:
- посвящённый предмет:
- сайт MWW
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