Ѕћ јндре¤ Ѕатори¤ {4029}
Madonna of Andreas Bathory
- автор:
- Ќеизвестный скульптор
- Unknown Hungarian master (active 1520s)
- истори¤:
- In the former St George's church in Nyibator, there are number of works to illustrate the broad area of interest of the Bathory family's art patronage.
- The inscription of Andras Bathory's Virgin and Child reveals not only the name of the donor and the date of origin, but it also indicates that the marble relief was probably meant to be displayed above the entrance of either the church or the chapel.
- The relief is one of the most characteristic examples of Hungarian Renaissance art, providing a new interpretation of a popular Madonna-type from Florence.
- место:
- Ѕудапешт: гал. ¬енгерска¤ нац.
- Budapest: Hungarian national gallery
- композици¤:
- Ѕ– и ћладенец с ангелами
- Virgin and Child with angels
- композици¤:
- The marble relief is framed by an ornamental motif popular in Renaissance architecture, which acts to provide the illusion that the Madonna is looking down on the viewer from an open window.
- оформление:
- 1526 или 1726.
- –ельеф. »звестн¤к. –езьба.
- Limestone.
- 510х680.
- ¬ нижней части рельефа сделана надпись в две строки:
- ѕод ней посредине, на профилированном поле, помещена дата: "Х1Х7Х26Х".
- предмет с изображением:
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