БР и Младенец {5515}
Virgin and Child
The small size of this intricately carved ivory Madonna and Child indicates that it was probably intended for private devotion.
It was executed at a time when the Virgin's cult was reaching the height of its popularity, and she is fashionably dressed and crowned like a princess.
Gift of Mrs. Edsel B. Ford, in memory of W.R.Valentiner.
Северная Каролина: музей Худ.
North Carolina: North Carolina Museum of Art
The crown She wears identifies Her as the Queen of Heaven, and the rose She holds symbolizes Her purity as "a rose without thorns".
She cradles the Child in Her left arm, and he, in turn, holds a piece of fruit to signify his role as the "New Adam" who will redeem mankind from original sin.
Статуэтка. Резьба.
Carving on ivory. Metal.
h = 298.
№ 59.6.1.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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